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Students and Alumni  

FISW Students

Children attend FISW from a variety of backgrounds, nationalities and cultures. In fact, we have over 27 different nationalities represented at our school. This mix provides FISW with a rich, multicultural environment. As children play and become friends, they learn to respect and embrace individual differences. As a result, our children graduate with a world view that has been broadened through both our academic program and their school social experience.


Children who graduate from our program are fully bilingual and confident in their abilities and talents. They are accepted at excellent schools both locally and abroad.

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FISW Alumni

FISW graduates love to come back and visit us! Often, they will participate in our after-school French conversation enrichment class, and they regularly volunteer for school events such as our annual fundraising Gala and our spring carnival, Kermesse.


Selecting the school your child will attend after FISW is a highly personal and complex decision. Local middle and high schools have varying foreign language offerings. We will work with you to help you find the best fit for your child.

Alumni during the Alumni Party on June 2024
FISW is accredited by the French Ministry of Education
FISW is accredited by the French Ministry of Education
FISW is accredited by the institution Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS)
FISW is accredited by the institution Puget Sound Independent Schools (PSIS)
Green School accreditation EFE3D-niveau2
FISW is accredited by the AEFE
FISW is accredited by the Mission Laique Francaise


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